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Londonderry Air (Flex5)
60,00 €
incl. VAT
This arrangement can be used as a flex-5-tet and can therefore also be used on days when the orchestra is less well-staffed. In this case, the cue notes must always be played. A wonderful piece for the musical accompaniment of festive or church occasions!
The origins of this popular Irish melody remain a mystery to this day. The song may date back to the siege of Londonderry in 1690. The song was also performed under the title "Old Irish Air". It was under this title that "O Danny Boy" (lyrics: Frederic Weatherly) became very well known.
This arrangement can be used as a flex-5-tet and can therefore also be used on days when the orchestra is less well-staffed. In this case, the cue notes must always be played. For larger orchestras, this edition can also be an enrichment for the daily repertoire. The cue notes are then not played and an instrumentation is automatically played that will allow the many colors of the wind orchestra to fully unfold.
In both cases, this is a wonderful piece for the musical accompaniment of festive or church occasions.
- Part: 1st clarinet, 1st alto saxophone, 1st trumpet, 1st flugelhorn.
- Part: 2nd clarinet, 2nd alto saxophone, 2nd trumpet, 2nd flugelhorn.
- Part: 3rd clarinet, 3rd alto saxophone, 3rd trumpet, 1st horn.
- Part: bassoon, tenor saxophone, 2nd horn, tenor horn, 1st trombone.
- Part: bass clarinet, baritone saxophone, baritone, 2nd trombone, 1st + 2nd tuba.
- piccolo
- 1st flute (1st part 8va) | 1st E-flat clarinet
- 2nd flute (2nd voice 8va) | 2nd E-flat clarinet
- timpani, cymbals (S. C.), glockenspiel
Instrumentation size Hier wählen Sie die “Konfektionsgröße” ihres Orchesters aus. J-Jugendorchester wachsend bis D-sehr großes Orchester. |
Flex ,B |
Length Hier können SIe eine Mindestzeit oder ein Zeitlimit definieren, das das Werk erfüllen muss. |
up to 3 minutes |
Epoch Hier können Sie nach musikhistorischer Einteilung filtern. |
Folk song/traditional |
Dining course Meine Empfehlung für den/die Zeitpunkt/e, an welcher Stelle im Programm das jeweilige Stück am besten wirkt. | |
Cuisine Hier können Sie nach Genre filtern, ebenso grob auswählen, ob Sie österreichische oder internationale Literatur suchen. | Alle internationalen (nicht-österreichischen) Urheber:innen. , Alle Werke, die für Kirchenkonzerte herangezogen werden können. |
Country |
Irland |
Master chef Werke großer Komponisten |
Irish Tune |
Recommended playing level Spielniveau von 1 Anfänger bis 6 Profi. | |
Included in download |
See product description for individual parts ,Score |