Good Night Valerie


Three themes that touch the heart. For piano solo.

Article number: AND. 30061 Categories: ,

This version for piano solo brings together three main themes from the musical setting of the children's book Valerie and the Goodnight Swing (Mira Lobe). The stage work of the same name was commissioned by the OPER GRAZ and premiered to a sold-out audience on the main stage in May 2019.

Plot of the book: Valerie doesn't want to go to sleep yet. She still wants to play and goes from one adventure to the next. So she discovers Turbanland, travels on a ship across the ocean, ends up in a beautiful winter landscape and experiences much more until she finally gets tired.

About the music:
Theme 1 describes little Valerie, who explains to her father that she is not tired at all and wants to stay up longer because there is still so much to experience (Theme II). In the end, however, she becomes more and more tired and slowly falls asleep (Theme III).

Additional information
Number of instruments Hier können Sie filtern, ob Sie Literatur für 1, 2 oder mehr gleiche Instrumente suchen.


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3-5 minutes

Epoch Hier können Sie nach musikhistorischer Einteilung filtern.

Music from 1975

Mainstream (U-Musik des 20. + 21. Jhd.)
Dining course Meine Empfehlung für den/die Zeitpunkt/e, an welcher Stelle im Programm das jeweilige Stück am besten wirkt.


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Recommended playing level Spielniveau von 1 Anfänger bis 6 Profi.