

The romantic part from the well-known trombone concerto THOR. Style: Romantic. Ideal for solo competitions.

Article number: AND. 30058 Categories: ,

2nd movement from THOR – Concerto for bass trombone and orchestra. Warmly dedicated to David Luidold (Graz Philharmonic) and premiered as part of the renowned Innsbruck Promenade Concerts in July 2022, he performed the second revised version in January 2024 in the Stefaniensaal in Graz.

About the music:
In this work – based on Germanic mythology – the entire range of the (bass) trombone is to find an equivalent. While the first movement THOR lets the trombone unfold its full power at its climax (symbolically the "hammer" of Thor), the second movement – ​​in contrast – is devoted entirely to the lyrical element. Hardly any other instrument comes closer to the character and color of the human voice than a trombone. The second movement is named after Thor's wife, SIF. The third movement is dedicated to THRUD, the daughter of Thor and Sif. The general theme of "generational conflict" is also symbolically taken up here. The trombone appears as a groovy, cheeky and modern instrument and is intended to motivate younger generations to learn this wonderful instrument.

Due to the fundamentally orchestral nature of the composition and the corresponding instrumentation of the work, a full orchestra is required for a performance and a reduction to piano is not a recommended compromise. The second movement, however, is also excellently suited as a solo piece for trombone (euphonium, horn) and piano.


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3-5 minutes

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Music from 1975

Mainstream (U-Musik des 20. + 21. Jhd.)
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Recommended playing level Spielniveau von 1 Anfänger bis 6 Profi.

Included in download

piano accompaniment


trombone/euphonium in Bb


trombone/euphonium in C