Schönbrunn Suite 3. Jagdschloss Schönbrunn
80,00 €
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A fast polka in the style of Johann Strauss Jr. Here the timpani gets its solo honors!
This multi-part suite is an invitation to a musical tour of one of Vienna's most historically interesting and beautiful sights - Schönbrunn Palace. After a mostly turbulent journey to the palace in Viennese city traffic, this palace and its entire grounds offer the perfect opportunity to immerse yourself in the time of emperors and kings. That is also the musical concept of this suite. The Ouverture (approach to the palace) describes the sometimes hectic present, and with Gloriette (2nd movement - Andante) and Schönbrunn Hunting Lodge (3rd movement - fast polka) you then begin the musical (stylistic) journey into the imperial era. These two parts are also intended to help bring back memories of traditional Viennese music with its unique charm and sound.
The first three parts were awarded 2nd prize at the ÖBV composition competition for level C and nominated as a compulsory piece for the concert competitions.
This suite is complemented by three further parts: The oldest and probably most famous zoo in the world cannot be missing from the Schönbrunn Suite. A leisurely stroll through the beautiful grounds is described musically, and sometimes you can even hear one or two animals “singing”. There are no limits to the orchestra’s imagination. The title Karli Polka (part 4) comes from the dedicatee. This part of the Schönbrunn Suite is dedicated to my dear friend and art lover Dr. Karl Bauer (veterinarian). Pas de Deux (part 5) takes the quote “Bella gerant alii, tu felix Austria nube” (“Let others wage war, but you, happy Austria, marry.”). In contrast to the customs of the time, however, in Pas de deux the princess – represented by the piccolo – can choose her future husband herself. She is hotly courted by various candidates (a clarinet and a trumpet), but the two do not count on the third competitor: the tuba. It will be interesting to see whether in the end it is all about size, money and gold. The suite ends with the quick polka In the blue Chinese salon (part 6), which uses a Chinese folk song theme in the style of Johann Strauss. For now. Perhaps more parts will be added one day 😉
Instrumentation size Hier wählen Sie die “Konfektionsgröße” ihres Orchesters aus. J-Jugendorchester wachsend bis D-sehr großes Orchester. |
C |
Length Hier können SIe eine Mindestzeit oder ein Zeitlimit definieren, das das Werk erfüllen muss. |
up to 3 minutes |
Dining course Meine Empfehlung für den/die Zeitpunkt/e, an welcher Stelle im Programm das jeweilige Stück am besten wirkt. | |
Cuisine Hier können Sie nach Genre filtern, ebenso grob auswählen, ob Sie österreichische oder internationale Literatur suchen. |
Own creations according to the style of the house Dieser Filter zeigt alle Werke an, deren Urheber:innen aus Österreich stammen. , Diesen Filter nutzen Sie, wenn Sie ausschließlich Werke oder Arrangements von mir suchen. |
Country |
Austria |
Recommended playing level Spielniveau von 1 Anfänger bis 6 Profi. | |
Included in download |
For individual parts see instrumentation in the product gallery ,Score |
Epoch Hier können Sie nach musikhistorischer Einteilung filtern. |
Music from 1975 Mainstream (U-Musik des 20. + 21. Jhd.) ,Viennese music |