

Japan meets Austria with Latin American influences, processed in variations on the Japanese folk song “Sakura”. Compulsory piece of the ÖBV 2021|22|23.

Article number: AND. 00034 Category:

Commissioned by the Styrian Wind Music Association. Premiere on January 6, 2016 by the LJBO Steiermark, conductor: Wolfgang Jud, Graz Stefaniensaal
Cross-over – with a touch of Viennese music – this minimal requirement of the client was to become the conceptual framework of this work and ultimately the work Sakura, variations on a Japanese folk song was created. The concept includes several subjective approaches to the word “cross-over”, and therefore includes not only musical but also non-musical aspects in the composition.
The culturally significant Japanese cherry blossom (Sakura) begins in Japan in mid-March in Kyūshū and then “wanders” northeast until it arrives in Hokkaidō around the beginning of May. It stands for beauty (1), departure (2) and transience (3). In this composition, however, the cherry blossom begins its journey westwards in the form of the Japanese folk song of the same name.

(1) During the journey, religiously associated musical expressions such as the Buddhist "Ohm" are effortlessly combined with Gregorian sounds to form a harmonious unity.
(2) In a kind of "pollination ceremony" supported by two cajons (which MUST be positioned to the right and left of the conductor!), the melody gradually mixes with Latin American sounds. After a short, unexpected interruption in which a union with typical features of Viennese music is achieved, the folk song theme merges more and more with Latin American rhythms to form a unity, before this
(3) is stopped and seemingly destroyed by an unbelievable force, cruel as it can only be exerted by human hands and can never be described by music.

But destruction and violence do not prevent the cherry blossom from starting its journey again and everything starts again from the beginning.
Despite all the seriousness that every topic can offer, the composer always strives to include moments in his works that can be seen with a certain "wink". But they have to be discovered first and do not reveal themselves. But they are there ;).
As in life, enlightenment cannot be found in this piece if you take everything too seriously; it is the mixture - a cross-over of seriousness and fun - while maintaining respect that can create the right approach to the piece.

Attention: 2 cajons positioned to the right and left of the conductor.

Additional information
Instrumentation size Hier wählen Sie die “Konfektionsgröße” ihres Orchesters aus. J-Jugendorchester wachsend bis D-sehr großes Orchester.


Length Hier können SIe eine Mindestzeit oder ein Zeitlimit definieren, das das Werk erfüllen muss.

8-12 minutes

Dining course Meine Empfehlung für den/die Zeitpunkt/e, an welcher Stelle im Programm das jeweilige Stück am besten wirkt.

Cuisine Hier können Sie nach Genre filtern, ebenso grob auswählen, ob Sie österreichische oder internationale Literatur suchen.

Diesen Filter nutzen Sie, wenn Sie ausschließlich Werke oder Arrangements von mir suchen.

Dieser Filter zeigt alle Werke an, deren Urheber:innen aus Österreich stammen.


Recommended playing level Spielniveau von 1 Anfänger bis 6 Profi.

Included in download

For individual parts see instrumentation in the product gallery

