Nocturne & Furioso für (Bass-) Posaune und Klavier


Impressionistic sounds at the beginning followed by a fast section that does not neglect the technical advantages of the soloist. Prima la Musica tested.

Article number: AND. 30019 Categories: ,

For bass (tenor) trombone/euphonium solo and piano

Nocturne & Furioso is best described with the following words:
An impressionistic night with Italian charm. A lyrical first part is followed by a spectacular, technically demanding furioso. It can also get down to business. Composed for the "prima la musica" competition, equally suitable as a program item in a recital.
The work was released in 2016 on the album "cross section" (soloist: Harald Matjaschitz / piano: Christian Dolcet).

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8-12 minutes

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Music from 1975

Mainstream (U-Musik des 20. + 21. Jhd.)
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Recommended playing level Spielniveau von 1 Anfänger bis 6 Profi.

Included in download

bass trombone in C


piano accompaniment


tenor trombone/euphonium in Bb


tenor trombone/euphonium in C