Lascia ch’io pianga


From the opera Rinaldo. The theme moves through all registers. Ideal for a church concert.

Article number: AND. 00066 Category:
Aria from the opera Rinaldo
The opera seria Rinaldo was premiered in 1711 at the Queen's Theatre, London. The melody, a classical sarabande, was used as early as 1705 in Handel's first opera Almira. The text is by Giacomo Rossi.
The arrangement was created - in consultation with the graduating candidate, Mr. Lukas Klopfer - on behalf of the Leibnitz/Styria District Wind Music Association as part of the training program for conductors. Therefore - in accordance with the artistic and pedagogical requirements - the concept also paid great attention to the part of developing this arrangement for the areas of style, sound, timbre, register and orchestral balance. In the present instrumental version, the oboe initially takes on the singer's solo part, but the arrangement subsequently allows the theme to be interpreted through different registers and a careful dynamic increase up to the finale is made possible by an ever denser instrumentation. This arrangement is also ideal for performances in a church (ad. lib. with organ).
Additional information
Instrumentation size Hier wählen Sie die “Konfektionsgröße” ihres Orchesters aus. J-Jugendorchester wachsend bis D-sehr großes Orchester.


Length Hier können SIe eine Mindestzeit oder ein Zeitlimit definieren, das das Werk erfüllen muss.

3-5 minutes

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Barock (1600-1750)
Dining course Meine Empfehlung für den/die Zeitpunkt/e, an welcher Stelle im Programm das jeweilige Stück am besten wirkt.

Cuisine Hier können Sie nach Genre filtern, ebenso grob auswählen, ob Sie österreichische oder internationale Literatur suchen.

Alle internationalen (nicht-österreichischen) Urheber:innen.


Master chef Werke großer Komponisten

G. F. Händel

Recommended playing level Spielniveau von 1 Anfänger bis 6 Profi.

Included in download

For individual parts see instrumentation in the product gallery

