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Top hit by the popular Austrian band “Granada”, arranged for wind orchestra and solo vocals. Party atmosphere guaranteed! Accordion required!
Article number:
AND. 70009
Category: Wind orchestra
Text and music: Thomas Petritsch
This arrangement was commissioned by MV St. Johann im Saggautal - Kapellmeister Franz Koinegg and dedicated to the chairwoman Verena Peißer.
The premiere of the "Granada Edition" for wind orchestra and solo singing (as well as the songs "Vom Herz kummt", "Blüte") took place on April 21, 2023.
The aim of this new series of arrangements is to make hits by outstanding Austrian artists and bands playable for the wind orchestra area and thus to enable a broad range of music enthusiasts to perform these songs.
• Flugelhorn and tenor horn of Austrian design are indispensable in these arrangements.
• Musicians also act as a background crowd or choir, and body percussion is also included in the arrangement of "Blüte". integrated.
This arrangement was commissioned by MV St. Johann im Saggautal - Kapellmeister Franz Koinegg and dedicated to the chairwoman Verena Peißer.
The premiere of the "Granada Edition" for wind orchestra and solo singing (as well as the songs "Vom Herz kummt", "Blüte") took place on April 21, 2023.
The aim of this new series of arrangements is to make hits by outstanding Austrian artists and bands playable for the wind orchestra area and thus to enable a broad range of music enthusiasts to perform these songs.
• Flugelhorn and tenor horn of Austrian design are indispensable in these arrangements.
• Musicians also act as a background crowd or choir, and body percussion is also included in the arrangement of "Blüte". integrated.
Additional information
Instrumentation size Hier wählen Sie die “Konfektionsgröße” ihres Orchesters aus. J-Jugendorchester wachsend bis D-sehr großes Orchester. |
E |
Length Hier können SIe eine Mindestzeit oder ein Zeitlimit definieren, das das Werk erfüllen muss. |
3-5 minutes |
Epoch Hier können Sie nach musikhistorischer Einteilung filtern. |
Music from 1975 Mainstream (U-Musik des 20. + 21. Jhd.) |
Dining course Meine Empfehlung für den/die Zeitpunkt/e, an welcher Stelle im Programm das jeweilige Stück am besten wirkt. | |
Cuisine Hier können Sie nach Genre filtern, ebenso grob auswählen, ob Sie österreichische oder internationale Literatur suchen. | Dieser Filter zeigt alle Werke an, deren Urheber:innen aus Österreich stammen. , Dieser Filter zeigt alle Werke an, die der Popmusik zuzuordnen sind, oder deren Bearbeitung genreübergreifende Elemente aufweisen. |
Country |
Austria |
Master chef Werke großer Komponisten |
Granada |
Recommended playing level Spielniveau von 1 Anfänger bis 6 Profi. | |
Included in download |
For individual parts see instrumentation in the product gallery ,Score |